A (slightly eclectic) collection of tools and apps I’ve enjoyed creating! It’s very empowering to be able to code solutions to my own problems, and often these projects are borne out of a need that isn’t quite met by the tool I’m using.
I push most of what I make to my GitHub profile, so check it out if you’re interested!
📝 Boostnote-to-Markdown, to help me convert `.cson` file to generic markdown
🤖 Countable, a small, robust Discord bot to support and manage a counting channel in your server
🎧 Insync, a smart Spotify playlist generator based on your listening history
😸 Jsfycat, a Node.js wrapper for Gfycat's API
📊 Kmeans, a Node implementation of the K-Means algorithm
🥬 Lettucewatch, a real-time, multiplayer movie picker for friends
🧵 video-thread-bot, a Discord bot to help manage threads in a video-heavy channel
🏎️ Trackmania Colour, A small server to help mappers generate block colour signs programmatically
🃏 War, a simulation tool for the card game "War"